Site and Soil Evaluations

Know your soil and know your options.

A Site and Soil Evaluation is a written report which evaluates the capacity of a site and its soil for accepting treated wastewater. Typically, a Site and Soil Evaluation will describe and categorise the soil found at the location of a proposed Land Application Area and it will also describe other relevant factors of the site such as slope, depth to groundwater, proximity to surface waters and setback requirements etc.

The objectives of a Site and Soil Evaluation are:
  • To assess the capacity of the site to sustainably manage wastewater within the lot boundaries
  • To identify any public or environmental health risks of onsite wastewater management, particularly the potential impact on ground or surface waters
  • To identify potential options suitable for onsite wastewater management in consideration of site conditions and the proposed development

Perks of a Site and Soil Evaluation

Aside from satisfying regulatory requirements for approvals, the information that is collected and described in a good Site and Soil Evaluation (SSE)has many benefits to you as the developer/homeowner/business operator etc.

Know your site’s limitations

Understanding any potential limitations that exist on your site allows you to make informed decisions around what types of wastewater management systems could be installed to mitigate these limitations. Having the right information allows you to choose a setup that is suitable for your needs, without relying on costly over-engineered solutions, as well as giving you peace of mind that the system is capable and will perform sustainably.

Understand what your site has to offer

It’s important to consider your site as part
of your wastewater management system. Essentially all wastewater management systems rely, to some extent, on the
existing site and soil conditions to play a role in the treatment and management of wastewater. A good SSE will identify any features and conditions that can be used
to your advantage in cost-effective and sustainable wastewater management design. Understanding what your site and soil has to offer can result in significant
cost savings in both up-front supply and installation costs and ongoing
maintenance costs – a real game

A holistic approach

Knowing about your site and soil is the first step – but what next!?
When you understand the site and soil conditions that you’ve got to work with, the next step is to consider what types of wastewater management designs or systems will work for you. It’s a balancing act to find a solution that is not only suitable for the site and soil conditions but also meets your needs or the needs or your proposed development. There is no one size fits all and there will usually be several potential solutions for any given circumstance. That’s where our experience comes in!
We have a solid background with many years of experience working with clients from across Australia and abroad. We know what your options are and understand the pros, cons, limitations, and benefits that can be found from any of these available options. We’ve got hands on experience with everything from standard septic tank systems through to more ‘alternative’ solutions such as greywater reuse and waterless composting toilets. No matter what your situation is, we will be able to advise on wastewater management solutions that best suit your needs and your budget.


Individual lots or residential development – $1,250 + gst
  • Up to 3 test holes conducted with hand auger
    In most cases between 1 and 3 test holes will adequately cover the reporting requirements. If additional test holes are required this will be discussed with the client and additional holes will be charged at $100 + GST, per test hole.
  • One laboratory assessment of soil PRI (if required)
    In most cases, either none or one assessment of soil PRI will adequately cover the reporting required. If additional PRI results are required this will be discussed with the client and additional PRI testing charged at $45 + GST per sample tested.
  • One SSE report with all relevant findings and recommendations will be submitted to the client.
  • Travel costs
    If travel to the site consists of more than 30 mins of travel from the Water Wally office (Margaret River, WA), travel time will be charged at $65 + GST per hour. All other travel costs (if applicable) such as airfares, accommodation, meals (for overnight stays) etc. will be either provided by the client or charged (at cost + 10%) to the client.
  • Excavation costs
    In the majority of cases, a hand auger will be used to excavate test holes to gather information for the SSE report. If site conditions restrict the operation of a hand auger and machinery (such as an excavator or backhoe) is required for test hole excavation, this will be discussed with the client and either provided by the client or charged (at cost + 10%) to the client.
  • Applications, approvals and/or discussions with regulators, local government, Department of Health etc. Applications for individual lots and residential developments are generally carried out by the homeowner or builder and is a self-explanatory process. If, however, difficulties are encountered or you would prefer us to manage this process on your behalf, we can offer this service. Given the variable nature of the application process, this service is charged at an hourly rate of $130 + GST per hour. As an indicator, most applications will take around 2 hours to complete if no obstacles are encountered.
Properties with multiple locations for proposed development or other commercial development – $1,400 + gst
  • Up to 5 test holes conducted with hand auger per property
    If additional test holes are required this will be discussed with the client and additional holes will be charged at $200 + gst, per test hole.
  • One SSE report will be submitted per property
  • Laboratory assessment of soil PRI (if required)
    Depending on the site and requirements of the project, PRI sampling may or may not be required. If PRI results are required this will be discussed with the client and PRI testing charged at $45 + gst per sample tested.
  • Travel costs
    If travel to the site consists of more than 30 mins of travel from the Water Wally office (Margaret River, WA), travel time will be charged at $65 + GST per hour. All other travel costs (if applicable) such as airfares, accommodation, meals (for overnight stays) etc. will be either provided by the client or charged (at cost + 10%) to the client.
  • Excavation costs
    In the majority of cases, a hand auger will be used to excavate test holes to gather information for the SSE report. If site conditions restrict the operation of a hand auger and machinery (such as an excavator or backhoe) is required for test hole excavation, this will be discussed with the client and either provided by the client or charged (at cost + 10%) to the client.
  • Applications, approvals and/or discussions with regulators, local government, Department of Health etc. Applications for commercial developments will typically require some level of discussion with either state or local government. We can provide a service to engage in these discussions on your behalf and work through the approval process. Given the variable nature of the application process, this service is charged at an hourly rate of $130 + GST per hour.

Please feel free to get in touch with us to discuss your project!

Download info in PDF:

SSE Proposal WW v3